
We Are Each Other! HealthStrong!

One farmer’s health data has no value. But millions of farmer’s health data has tremendous value to Academia, Industry, and Community!

We are a global community of Primary Producers – farmers, textile workers, miners, fishermen, dairy and livestock producers, service workers and even waste/recycling workers. We confidentially share our health data with HealthStrong and Blue Dot Alliance and they put it to work doing research and driving donations into community projects to strengthen our Health Systems through HealthStrong Centers.

We collectively own the data and will receive payment for participating in HealthStrong, whenever the data is monetized. This gives us Collective Power and Voice!

HealthStrong Connects us to our fellow Primary Producers, see health risks and projects all over the global supply chain, access educational material about health, and link our Communities to Donors and Health Improvement Projects.

Together we help deliver Health For All and Save Lives!

Join HealthStrong

Build Health for All

Enjoy the benefit


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